Thursday, June 10, 2010

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Canon Canada's New CPS Program...

If you are a serious Canon photographer, pro or otherwise, you should read up on Canon Canada's revamped CPS program.  I am not going to pass judgement on whether or not the new fees are generally worthwhile, however if you rely on your gear to make a living, and use it heavily, I would suggest it is worth a serious look.  Make sure you read the fine-print to see exactly what it is you get for the two different levels of service.

Here is a link to Canon's website for more info: 

The above link has been permanently added to the Other Blogs & Useful Sites page also.  One question I have been asked several times, is "...why is my older 'L' professional lens not listed as qualifying for this program?  It was expensive and qualified for a CPS purchase back when I bought it!"

Well, basically this new CPS program is a service program, so if your older 'L' lens or pro body is not listed, it means that parts are no longer being actively stocked to repair them, and could take some time to order in.  Since paying for the program entitles you to one of two levels of guaranteed turnaround times for repairs, Canon simply cannot allow these older bodies and lenses to qualify, since they would be unable to meet those guarantees.


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